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Perform Quantitative Market Research

A good positioning strategy requires a careful evaluation of market research. The first step is to evaluate the total market size and opportunity. Market data (including industry reports, external market data, and your own experience with the market) will help you outline the total number of potential customers in the market as well as the total potential sales in the market.

Market Size

Competitive positioning is about defining how you’ll differentiate your offering and create value for your market. It’s about carving out a spot in the competitive landscape and focusing your company/product/service to deliver on that strategy. Your ultimate goal is to win mindshare in the market — to be known as a “certain something” in the market’s mind.

Learn the Number of Total
Potential Customers in Market

Your goal is to make your market profile as complete as possible.

Understand the Typical
Company / Customer Profile

What does a typical company or customer look like in your market?

Learn the Total
Annual Sales for Market

What are the total annual sales (revenue) for the product or service in your market?

Learn the Commonalities
Among Typical Customers

What do your target customers have in common?

Learn the Geographic Location of Customers Within Market

Are they local, regional, national or international?

Learn the Number of Companies
/ Products Available in Market

How many companies/products are already selling into the market?

Outline Market Characteristics

After you’ve defined your market size, begin outlining your market’s characteristics. For this task we highly recommended that you have at least one person involved who intimately knows your market and customers. You’ll want to describe what’s currently happening in your market and the influences on the market.

Figure out the Current
Market Characteristics

What are the characteristics of your market? Is it growing, stable or contracting?

Figure out the Current
Influences on Market

What's currently influencing your market?

Figure out the Decision
Maker + Influencer

Who makes the ultimate decision to buy from you? Who else is involved in the buying decisions (the "influencers")?

Figure out the
Knowledge of Pain

Is your market actively seeking a solution to this problem?

Figure out the
Market Trends

Finally, what are the trends in your industry and/or market?

Positioning Approach

It’s important to understand the lifecycle stage of your market. The market’s maturity impacts how you should approach your market and position your company/product/service against your competitors. Reference the market data and market characteristics to help determine the lifecycle stage if it’s not apparent.

Determine the
Lifecycle Stage

The market's maturity impacts how you should approach your market and position your company/product/service against your competitors.

Select Positioning

Now it's time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market.



Perform Qualitative Market Research

Qualitative market research will help us understand the behaviors, attitudes and decision-making processes of customers and prospects in our markets. These are the psychographics of our market. By understanding how our customers and prospects think – knowing what their true problems are, how they attempt to solve them and how we fit into their solution – we’ll better understand how to fulfill their needs and market to them. This understanding will also help us define market segments or personas – the distinct subgroups of our market – that will allow us to more efficiently market to each group.


Market Pains

How well do you really know your customers and your target market? Your goal is to understand how your prospects & customers think. What are their true problems, and how do they attempt to solve them?

There are many ways to accomplish this. Your approach is probably dependent upon your current market intelligence, your available resources and your urgency for creating a competitive positioning and brand strategy.

Select Market
Research Method

Data Collection Options: Poll customers, Poll lost prospects, Use a focus group, Use a market research firm.

Define Market
Research Sample Size

In market research, sampling means getting opinions from a number of people, chosen from a specific group, in order to find out about the whole group.

Sample Responses

After you've reviewed your results, consider them carefully and summarize your findings.

Market Research

Read through it carefully, and take your time to capture the essence of what your market is telling you.

Market Segments

When you segment your market or create buyer personas, you can do a better job addressing the specific problems faced by the people/companies/prospects within each segment. And when you speak to specific problems and needs, you can greatly improve all of your sales and marketing efforts.

Evaluate the
Issue/Challenge Categories

Consider the market feedback and evaluate the problems, pains or challenges that your customers and prospects face.

Evaluate the
Companies/People Categories

Now, think about the issues you listed above and the companies/people that fall into those categories.

Segmentation Criteria

Product Usage Criteria + Demographics Criteria + Persona Criteria

Define Market
Segmentation Criteria

It's a good idea to revisit the pains the people in your market face before you determine your segmentation criteria.

Profile Your
Customer Segments

The final step is to create and profile each segment or persona.

It is impossible to Outline the Characteristics of your Target Audience without Defining your Market Size


Perform Qualitative
Market Research

Qualitative market research will help you understand the behaviors, attitudes, and decision-making processes of customers and prospects in your markets. These are the psychographics of your market. By understanding how your customers and prospects think – knowing what their true problems are, how they attempt to solve them and how you fit into their solution – you’ll better understand how to fulfill their needs and market to them.


Figure out the Current Market Characteristics

What are the characteristics of your market? Is it growing, stable or contracting? Are prospects actively seeking out your product/service? Do they have a known pain but not yet realize that your product/service will alleviate that pain?


Figure out the Current
Influences on Market

What's currently influencing your market? Are there any new developments affecting it, such as legislation, social trends or new technological breakthroughs that are creating urgency?


Figure out the Decision
Maker + Influencer

Who makes the ultimate decision to buy from you? B2B marketers often have to deal with multiple decision-makers or a team of decision-makers and a number of influencers. This affects their overall marketing and sales strategy, as they often have to deliver different messages to different people within a company.

It's typically clearer for consumer marketers, as the person using the product/service is often the decision-maker. However, many big-ticket items, such as cars, furniture, and appliances, may have multiple decision-makers.

Who else is involved in the buying decisions (the "influencers")?



Figure out the Knowledge of Pain

Is your market actively seeking a solution to this problem? In B2B, for most companies, there is a mix of people actively seeking a solution, people wanting a solution if one were to be presented to them (but they're not actively seeking one), and people who have the pain (whether they've realized it or not). B2C is similar. For example, for cold medicine, the buyers have pain (a cold) and are actively seeking a solution. For a teeth whitener, many people in the market might not be actively seeking the product but might be interested if it was affordable, easy, and effective. People with stained teeth, who have no interest in breaching them, would have pain, but wouldn't desire a solution. People with naturally white teeth would have no pain.

These scenarios affect the marketing strategy and ultimate positioning, as markets with a high number of prospects actively seeking a solution require different activities than does a market with a large number of prospects who have latent or unknown pain.

Estimate the percentages of each scenario. If you don't know, start with a guess, and refine it as you are able. All four combined should total 100%.

1) Percentage Mix of People/Companies Actively Seeking a Solution in the Market:

2) Percentage Mix of People/Companies Desiring a Solution in the Market:

3) Percentage Mix of People/Companies with a Pain but Not Desiring a Solution in the Market:

4) Percentage Mix of People/Companies with No Pain in the Market


Figure out the Market Trends

Finally, what are the trends in your industry and/or market? Trends are important because they can translate into new opportunities. For example, is the industry shifting toward a new type of solution? A current popular trend is "green" products. Many consumers are willing to pay more for a product that they believe is friendly to the environment. You may have already listed your trends above under "Characteristics or Influences," which is fine, but it's possible that all three -- characteristics, influences and trends -- could be different.


Closer to the Dream

It is impossible to Select Positioning Approach without Outlining Market's Characteristics


Select Positioning Approach

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Determine the Lifecycle Stage
(per product / market)

Select Positioning Approach
(per product / market)

Understand Market Pains

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Select Market Research Method

Define Market Research Sample Size

Examine Sample Responses

Analyse Market Research

Define Market Segments/Personas

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Evaluate Issue/Challenge and Companies/People that Fall into Category

Determine Segmentation Criteria

Define your customer segments

Profile your customer segments

Research Competition

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


List your top five direct competitors

List your top five indirect competitors

List your top five future competitors

Create a final competitor list

Evaluate Competition

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Determine the comparison criteria to use

Rate competitors and yourself based on the criteria

Evaluate your ratings

Synthesise into a SWOT Analysis: Strengths: What We Do Well

Synthesise into a SWOT Analysis: Weaknesses: What We Do Poorly

Synthesise into a SWOT Analysis: Opportunities: Available Potential

Synthesise into a SWOT Analysis: Threats: Obstacles in Our Path

Define Value Proposition

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Select Primary Value Proposition

Select Secondary Value Proposition

Understand the Value Propositions of your Competitors in the Marketplace

Rate Competitors Ability to Deliver upon each of these Value Propositions

Analyse Problems our Competitors Are Solving Effectively

Analyse Problems our Competitors Aren't Solving Effectively

Rethink Opportunities

Readjust Value Proposition

Create Competitive Positioning Matrix

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Create a Competitive Positioning Matrix for Market One

Create a Competitive Positioning Matrix for Market Two

Create a Competitive Positioning Matrix for Market Three

Create a Competitive Positioning Matrix for Market Four

Define Competitive Positioning & Strategy

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Decide ≪Market Mindshare≫ competitors currently own

Decide ≪Market Mindshare≫ would you like to own

Define Long-Term Mindshare Goal

Write Long-Term Competitive Positioning Strategy

Determine the Basics for the Foundation of Your Brand

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Choose Brand Type to Use

Confirm Primary Value Proposition

Confirm Secondary Value Proposition

Identify Brand Themes to Explore

Explore Brand Emotional Benefits

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


List the Features and Benefits of your product/service

Determine whether each Benefit is Functional or Emotional

Explore the Emotional Benefits of your Brand

Determine how Important each Feature and Benefit is to your Customers

Select Brand Pillars

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Rate your Features and Benefits

Evaluate Rated Features and Benefits

Choose a Single "level of importance" for each Feature and Benefit type

Determine Features and Benefits that connect most strongly with your market's emotions

Test Your Brand Pillars

Determine Brand Means

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Brainstorm Brand Means

Review Brand Pillars

Evaluate Potential Brand Means

Choose Top Three Brand Means

Select Brand Personality Traits

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Define the High-Level Personality Category for Your Brand

Identify Five Brand Values that Describe the Way You Want the Market to View Your Brand

Identify Five Brand Strengths that Describe the Way You Want the Market to View Your Brand

Identify Five Brand Unique Attributes that Describe the Way You Want the Market to View Your Brand

Identify Fourth Human Trait that Describe the Way You Want the Market to View Your Brand

Determine Brand Promise

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Determine your Brand Promise

Determine your Brand Vision

Determine your Brand Archetype

Determine the Brand Promise for your Top 5 Competitors

Review the Competitors'Promises

Rank the Most Valuable Promises to the Market

Create Brand Positioning Statement

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Wordsmith 25-Word Brand Positioning Statement

Define 25-Word Brand Positioning Statement Evaluation Criteria

Evaluate your 25-Word Brand Positioning Statement by Criteria

Finalise your 25-Word Brand Positioning Statement

Write Brand Story

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Brainstorm the Credibility, Differentiation, Purpose, Intrigue and personality

Record Brand Story Ideas

Evaluate Brand Story Ideas

Craft your compelling story that will endure for five to ten years

Select Brand Name

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Brainstorm a Brand Name to Use

Evaluate a Brand Name to Use

Confirm a Brand Name to Use

Copyright your Brand Name

Evaluate Visual Branding

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Evaluate the Relevance are your Brand Visuals (to your Brand Strategy and Promise)

Evaluate the Quality of your Brand Visuals

Evaluate the Consistency of your Brand Visuals

Evaluate the Identity Needs

Write Identity Style Guide

Evaluate the Print & Digital Needs

Write Print & Digital Style Guide

Evaluate Marketing Campaign Needs

Write Marketing Campaigns Style Guide

Evaluate Retail Location Needs

Write Retail Location Style Guide

Evaluate Employee Location Needs

Write Employee Location Style Guide

Design a Brand Visual identity

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Choose Brand Colour Palette

Choose Brand Typography Set

Discover a Brand Symbol

Design a Brand Logo

Set-up Marketing Digital Asset Management Service

Define Brand Operational Requirements

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


List all inbound "Touch Points" with your market

Determine if a given "Touch Point" Supports your Brand and Brand Promise

Explain Operational Touch Point and an Improvement to Implemented

Summarise all Touch Points into Succinct Operational Branding Requirements

Determine If a New Distribution Channel Is Right for You

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Define what are the most important goals for you?

Understand the potential positives to creating a new channel

Understand the potential downsides to creating a new channel

Decide to pursue a new distribution channel or not?

Evaluate an Existing Distribution Channel

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Name your Existing Channel

Describe your Existing Channel

Identify an Existing Distribution Channel Areas that are Working Well

Identify an Existing Distribution Channel Areas Needing Improvement

Decide to improve an Existing Distribution Channel or not

Establish Distribution Goals

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Define What your End-Users Need and How you Would Expect a Channel to Work

Record Important Elements to Address in a Potential New Distribution Channel

Determine your Distribution Channel Goals (start high)

Select Channel Type

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Study Distribution Channel Types

Evaluate selected Distribution Channel Types

List Examples in your Industry of Chosen Types

Consider Vertical vs Horizontal Distribution Strategy

Project Channel Revenue

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Project the Revenue the Channel Could Potentially Generate

Estimate the Number of Channel Partners in months 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12

Estimate an Average per-unit Revenue when Selling to an Average Channel Partner

Estimate the number of Units an Average Channel Partner Could Sell per Month

Design Channel

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Name Distribution Channel to Create

Define Distribution Channel Purpose

Map the Steps Involved in Reaching your End-User

Outline Potential Channel Structure

Analyse Channel Logistics

Find Channel Partners

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Choose a Channel Type to Target

Figure out Channel Partners Key Criteria

Describe Your Ideal Channel Partner

Research Channel Partner

Prepare Sales Pitch

Create Channel Partner Management Plan

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Determine your Channel Manager

Outline your Channel Risks

Address each Area Requiring Management

Outline your Channel Requirements

List your Requirements for each Channel Management Area

Minimise Channel Pricing Conflict

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Choose Channel Market Penetration Method

Outline Potential Challenges to Your Distribution Channel

Outline Potential Solutions to Your Distribution Channel

Determine Channel Markups

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Evaluate the Market and Your Competitors' Prices

Determine Your Price Floor

Determine Price Markups at Each Step

Set Channel Pricing

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Finalise Your Inputs

Analyse Cost of Goods Data

Analyse Desired Profit Margin

Define Suggested Channel Price

Define Customers' Buying Process

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Calculate the Number of Distribution Channels

Estimate Total Number of Sales Processes Needed

Define Prospect Buying Process (Identify Individual Steps)

Define Information to Convey (at each step)

Define Length of Time to Complete (at each step)

Determine Sales Tools & Literature to Deliver at Each Step

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Analyse Available Tools to Support Each Step of Your Sales Process

Identify a Tool your Prospect Needs to Move to the Next Step

Select Sales Process Measurement Criteria

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Outline Your Sales Process Based on How Your Prospects Prefer to Purchase

Decide How to Measure Prospects Progress Through the Sales Process

Define Measurement Criteria as Reporting Requirements

Implement Reporting Requirements in Your CRM System

Select Sales Process Conversion Criteria

Now it’s time to put everything together to determine your high-level approach to positioning yourself in the market. Review the characteristics of your lifecycle stage and the typical positioning approach for each below. You may decide that the typical positioning approach is right for you, or you may wish to modify it.


Estimate the Percentage of Prospects Moving though Steps

Translate Data Into your Revenue Goals

Determine Number of Prospects Needed in Each Phase

Calculate your Conversion Ratio
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